Our Cultivating Allyship program help individuals to become aware of their own position, and move forward with a broader understanding and appreciation of allyship. We explore the myth of meritocracy, the explicit and implicit systemic barriers facing people of diverse backgrounds. Participants will consider the privilege they carry, understand how bias perpetuates systems that holds people back, and look outside their field of experience to understand and empathise with those who are not afforded the same privileges.
Today’s leaders need to be inclusive and informed to lead diverse teams. This doesn’t just happen – it requires understanding, empathy, best-practice knowledge and commitment to get there. With Cultivating Allyship, employees and leaders can understand how to play a role in creating psychologically-safe environments where people are able to engage in productive dialogues around diversity and inclusion, and bring their best selves to work.
Cultivating Allyship also acts as a continuation of our Better TogetHER, a free, online program created to educate, support and empower individuals in their allyship practices.
Who it’s for
- Businesses looking to empower their people with a deeper understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), and equip them with the tools, knowledge and buy-in towards meaningful, practical allyship. This learning experience is open for people at all levels of the organisation, no matter seniority of role, helping them to recognise when they have power and influence, when they can best act as an ally, and learn how to take effective action to make their workplace better.
- This program is particularly targeted at men, equipping them with a deeper understanding of male privilege, and how to take action to advance gender equity. However, this program is open to people from all genders, and mixed participation often leads to rich conversations coming from lived experience.
Business Impact
The business case for getting inclusivity right is hard to dispute. But despite best efforts, organisations still struggle to achieve a truly inclusive, bias-free workplace. We know that for diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives to be successful, we need everyone to be involved.
Program Experience
Cultivating Allyship extends beyond good intentions. How inclusive is your culture, your leaders and your structures? The Cultivating Allyship Program assesses potential barriers and opportunities in a three-phased, holistic way, to maximise on-the-ground buy-in, practical uptake and effectiveness.
Learning Experience
Conducted across 4x modules, this workshop series includes:
- Pre and post-program surveys.
- Internal communication strategy co-design
- Content development and facilitation, incl. accountability frameworks
The Dream Collective tailors learning modules to each client according to client priorities and participants’ baseline knowledge, maximising effectiveness of the learning experience. Content may include:
Part 1:
- Let’s Get Honest
- – The business case for diversity, equity and inclusion + key findings from The Dream Collective Gender Allyship Survey 2021
- – Allyship fundamentals including 6 principles of allyship
- – Systemic barriers to equality
Part 2:
- Speak up & Allyship Mindset
- – Identifying blindspots: Biases, privilege and meritocracy
- – Closing the “Us vs Them” gap
- – Interactive exercise: “True or false” using anonymised responses
Part 3:
- Expanding opportunities
- – Creating psychologically safe environments
- – Conducting brave and inclusive conversations
- – Interactive exercise: Courageous conversations in action
Part 4:
- Change Systems
- – Mentorship vs sponsorship
- – Inclusive group meeting best-practice
- – Personalised action roadmap
Learning Outcomes
Participants learn about barriers to inclusion, and how diversity, equity and inclusion relates to their role and leadership effectiveness. They will also learn how to:
- Identify and mitigate personal biases
- Navigate sensitive topics with empathy
- Continue practicing outside of the training environment
Trial Experience
Looking to explore The Dream Collective’s allyship training? Trial our content and experience through our free online gender allyship program,
Better TogetHER.
All employees receive 3-month access to the program, including fireside discussions with real-life allies. Using the insights gathered during Better TogetHER, we’ll customise your Cultivating Allyship program, designed to drive deeper engagement and action.
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