Inside our singapore emerging leaders bootcamp

Last week, we held our recently reinvigorated Emerging Leaders Bootcamp at Google HQ in Singapore. We were joined this time by remarkable women from MediaMath, Lego, PayPal & Google, all of whom came in particularly excited, eager to learn & ready to apply.Our current Emerging Leaders Bootcamps have been designed in a way that guides each emerging leader through the discovery process, then moves them to action & goal setting.This is crucial in order for the learnings to stick & for us to grow as leaders.There is no doubt that the cohort know exactly what they want from their careers, as was displayed through their high-level of self-awareness on what needs to be done in order to achieve their professional goals. It was great to be able to not only create the space for them to turn their visions into tangible actions, but to see it unfold right before our eyes. We just know that we were in the presence of some real transformational moments.

There was a consistent theme of wanting to move from self-leadership to communicating with confidence, as was shown in the immediate actions that they had pledged to take post-program:

  • Cultivate A Network
  • Further Develop My Personal Brand
  • Search For A Mentor Or Sponsor
  • Have A Courageous Conversations
  • Develop My EQ

A theme that we do see across all cities in which we operate is that, women know what they want & they know what they need to do but they quite often are not putting themselves first. Would you agree?

We’ll be checking in with the cohort next month & look forward to hearing exactly what has & hasn’t stuck as well as how they are getting on with their immediate actions.Wishing the cohort all the very best in the next, very exciting stage of their leadership journey!

“I truly enjoyed the Bootcamp with Dream Collective! The program was very comprehensive and there was the right balance between theory and practical exercises. It really provides the framework to plan the steps towards success. Very empowering!”“The training was absolutely superb and I genuinely enjoyed each and every moment of it. The content was extremely informative and incredibly useful. I have attended several trainings before but I can’t recall any of them having such a strong impact. I will surely recommend this training to all my colleagues and friends. I, myself, would love to attend future training organized or featured by you.”“Dream collective training on Emerging Leader program is a must have for every woman aiming to progress their career. It provides tools, support and accountability to where you want to be. after attending this session, I feel empowered to change my mindset and take actions. I truly believe this company and its training has genuine intentions of changing people’s life especially women and empowering them to be the best they can be.”

Want to talk about training for your team? Get in touch today to schedule a call today via the Contact Us page.


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