Alumni love | Want followers? Be a better leader by Erin May Henry

Earlier this week I attended The Emerging Leaders Bootcamp by The Dream Collective which, was all about teaching females how to become better leaders.

Whether you’re trying to progress in your career, start a business or build a following online, it’s crucial to learn how to be a good leader so that you can cultivate a community and positively impact and influence others into action.

What do the dream collective do?

The drive behind everything that the Dream Collective do is to see more women in leadership – amazing, right? This team of amazing women have a goal to build long-term and sustainable change in women’s representation in the corporate landscape. Work with leading corporations to deliver leadership programs to empower and equip high-calibre young professional women across Australia.

The emerging leaders bootcamp

The Dream Collective offer their clients a range of different programs – I decided that the Emerging Leaders Bootcamp was the perfect event for me and what I’m working towards in The Game Changer Company.

Day One

Anyone can communicate and great leaders know how to communicate well. On day one we covered the key capabilities needed in order to become a leader of influence. The modules that we worked through included:

  • Influential leadership and using communication tools to influence scenarios
  • Communication evidence and constant feed-forward loop
  • Personal branding, which, you guys know, I am all about and
  • Cultivating a network

Day Two

Day two was an exclusive dinner series featured a guest of honour in an intimate round table dinner, where the guest mentor led some discussions on industry best practices.

Becoming a good leader

I get messages every, single, day. Asking, how do I grow my following online? How do I grow my influence online? How do I build a sustainable income, my business and my impact?

The thing is… it all comes down to being a better leader.

I recently changed over to a company structure and I’m building The Game Changer Company up to become a huge team and I have some big-picture goals for my business. That’s why I want to be the best leader that I can be, not only for my online audience but to one day lead my global company.

How you can be a better leader

Being a good leader is not just applicable to those who are in a career role but it’s also for those of us who are trying to build an audience or our personal brand. Because if you’re not leading, why would people want to follow you? They wouldn’t. That’s why it’s essential that you start to take the steps towards becoming a better leader in any area of life.

Step One: It’s All About Your Vision

What do you want to achieve? When people have a good understanding of what it is you’re trying to achieve, they’re more likely to follow your journey and listen to your message.

It is paramount that you start by knowing what your vision is and what you’re trying to achieve.

Step Two: To Lead Others – You’ve Got To Know Who You Are

In order to lead and influence others, you need to be so self-aware. Gary Vee talks about this A LOT, he says that if I could give someone a skill that is going to make them successful, it’s self-awareness.

Have an action plan – at the Bootcamp, we did an emotional intelligence exercise which outlined areas where my leadership was strong and maybe, not so strong. This was a great way for me to identify what areas I need to work on and to create an action plan to start becoming a better leader.

Steps Three: What Are Your Values?

When you know what you stand for, it’s so much easier to make decisions as a leader. If you’re feeling a bit directionless in life, it’s most likely due to the fact that you don’t have a vision and you don’t know what your values are.

By knowing your values and your vision, it is so much easier to create content, put yourself out there, network and do all the things that are going to help you progress in your career or business.

Step Four: Focus On Your Personal Brand

I speak about personal branding a lot and whether you’re working on your career or building your own business, you need to be aware of what your reputation is.

You have to be the ambassador for your own brand and constantly put yourself out there. You have to be relentless in the pursuit of exposure so you can build a brand and reach six-figure’s, a million YouTube subscribers or whatever it is that you are trying to achieve.

Step Five: Understand Your Own Obstacles

This step is huge, you need to understand the obstacles or limiting beliefs that are holding you back from sharing your message, networking or building your business.

You need to put yourself in situations that scare you and start to visualise the fears and limiting beliefs that you have so that you can identify your beliefs and squash them.

Step Six: Understand Your Strengths

You’ve got to know your strengths so that you can spend most of your time doing those things and outsourcing the rest. Of course when your first starting out you will have to do things that you aren’t good at, however, you should be basing everything you’re doing off of your strengths.

The more you know yourself, the more you’re going to be able to lead others.

Step Seven: Build Your Network

When it comes to being online you have to be working on building your community, learning how to sell and how to promote yourself comfortably.

I did a masterclass on this on The Game Changer Collective, all about how to sell so that you can make money in your business. If you’re going to be a leader, a successful entrepreneur or influencer, the two things you need to focus on is how to self promote which means being comfortable when talking about yourself and your business.

As well as how to build your network because entrepreneurship cannot be done alone. You have to put yourself out there and build relationships with people online.

I hope this has been helpful in giving you not only the steps but the sequence that you can start working on in order to become a better leader and successful as an entrepreneur, a thought leader or anyone trying to impact others.

Written by Erin May Henry, The Game Changer Co. February 14th 2019.


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